The director of “Environmental project implementation unit” State Agency Mr. Gevorg Nersisyan, Mr. Aram Gabrielyan UNFCCC focal point in Armenia, adaptation and mitigation component coordinators of the project Mr. V. Melikyan and T. Sekoyan, representatives from the National assembly of the RA, Ministry of Nature Protection, international organizations, NGOs and other departments participated in the workshop.
Director of “EPIU” SA opened the meeting briefly representing the background and progress of TNA project.
Mr. Aram Gabrielyan, UNFCCC focal point in Armenia representedIntended Nationally Determined Contributions of the Republic of Armenia approved by the RA Protocol Decision No 41, 10 September, 2015 under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. It includes both mitigation and adaptation activities,as well as ensures adequate technological assistance and creates a favorable environment for technology development and transfer.
The adaptation and mitigation component coordinators represented concrete Technology action plans (TAP) for technology introduction, the establishment of which will contribute to the choice and introduction of modern and affordable technologies in Armenia.