“Environmental project implementation unit” State Agency of the Ministry of Nature Protection forms an expert bank of sectoral specialists who in the future would be involved in the programs implemented by the state institution.The following experts are envisaged to be included in the Bank of Experts: biologists, botanist, forest expert, mammalogist, ornithologist, herpetologist, ichthyologist, hydrobiologist, entomologist, mycologist, hydrologist, hydro-engineer, soil scientist, geologist, landscape specialist, constructor, agronomist, horticulturist, GIS cartographer, cartographer, economist, environmental economist, lawyer, statistician, climatologist. Persons with relevant professional knowledge and experience are encouraged to submit their CVs to the e-mail address: info@cep.am, “Environmental Project Implementation Unit” SA. Please, specify your profession in the “subject” of the letter. For more information please call 010-651-631.