The objective of the proposed project is to minimize land degradation and desertification processes in the Ararat valley by improving socio-economic conditions of the local communities and by doing this to contribute to the achieving LDN target set up by the country. In particular, on the basis of short-term goals of the project it is proposed to test and apply various SLM technologies on the small areas, which should help to reduce land degradation and improve socio-economic conditions of the affected population. The aim is to contribute to the enhancement of livelihood of the affected communities; improve the conditions of the affected ecosystems; protect the biodiversity, restoration of soil productivity; introduction of water-saving methods of irrigation
Implemented Projects
SA “EPIU” has developed the Sixth National Report of the Republic of Armenia on Biodiversity Conservation.
The report can be downloaded by the following link:
“Assessment of Needs of Technologies” grant project implemented with the support of UNEP and Cooperation Center of Technical University of Denmark
Project name: “Assessment of Needs of Technologies” grant project implemented with the support of UNEP and Cooperation Center of Technical University of Denmark
Project implementation period (start-end): May, 2015-November, 2016
“Emerald Network, Phase II” in Armenia, European Union/ Council of Europe Joint Programme
The tasks to be achieved under this contract in 2016 are the following:
Task 1: Organise a national coordination meeting on the Emerald Network, aimed at explaining the results of the biogeographical seminars achieved in-2015 to scientific community, representatives of relevant Ministries (environment, landplaning, forestry, and agriculture) and NG.Os in the nature conservation sector. Read More
IDF Grant for Environmental Governance, Inclusion and Transparency in Mining Sector
Project name: IDF Grant for ensuring environmental governance, inclusion and transparency in mining sector
Project objective: Improve the competencies of main agencies in the mining sector in the RA in order to fill the institutional gaps in environmental and social fields
Project implementation period (start-end): 01.03.2013- 29.09.2016 Read More