Status of “Environmental Project Implementation Unit” State Agency
“Environmental Project Implementation Unit” State Agency of the RA Ministry of Environment is an organization without the status of juridical person within the structure of the Ministry of Environment.
The founder of the agency is the Republic of Armenia in the person of the RA Government.
The body operates according to the RA laws, other legal acts and corresponding grant or credit agreements signed by international or foreign organizations and its charter (arm. version).
Relations between the RA Government and “Environmental Project Implementation Unit” State Agency are regulated according to the RA legislation and the institution charter.
Agency name is
1) Complete Armenian version: Հայաստանի Հանրապետության շրջակա միջավայրի նախարարության «Բնապահպանական ծրագրերի իրականացման գրասենյակ» պետական հիմնարկ.
2) Complete Russian version: ՝ Государственное учреждение “Бюро по реализации экологическиx программ” министерство окружающей среды Республики Армения.
3) Complete English version: “Environmental Project Implementation Unit” at tհe Ministry օf Environment օf tհe Repսblic օf Armenia.
4) Abbreviated Armenian version: ՀՀ ՇՄՆ «ԲԾԻԳ» ՊՀ.
5) Abbreviated Russian version: ГУ “БРЭП” МОС РА.
6) Abbreviated Englsih version: SA “EPIU” MօE RA.